JanaSena chief Pawan Kalyan is one of the special invitees for the Ayodhya Ram Mandi event that is scheduled to be held in a grand manner tomorrow, 22 January.
On the occasion, Pawan Kalyan has landed in Ayodhya a short while ago and he briefly spoke with the media shortly after that.
Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan arrives in Lucknow, ahead of the Ayodhya Ram Temple Pranpratishtha ceremony that will be held tomorrow.
He says, “This has been a long-cherished dream of the people and after 500 years, it is finally coming into reality, we are very happy…”
Pawan Kalyan seemed to be excited about the Ayodhya temple inauguration tomorrow and he commented that this is one of the historic developments in Indian history. He praised Modi and the BJP high command for this historic feat. Pawan will take part in the inaugural event tomorrow.