Actor Vishal is going to be in a new action movie called “Rathnam” which is expected to be very exciting. It’s the third time he’s working with the director Hari, and their previous movies Bharani and Pooja were successful. They’ve released a teaser and two songs that people liked. The movie is produced by Kaarthekeyen Santhanam under the banners of Stone Bench Films and Zee Studios.
The trailer has been released now. The preview starts by voiceover about some trouble at the Tamil Nadu border where bad guys are causing problems. It also shows Vishal and Priya Bhavani Shankar, who play the main characters, being chased and attacked.
“Rathnam” looks like it will be a movie with emotions like mass, action, romance, and drama. Vishal’s acting is very strong, powerful and looked intense, and Priya Bhavani Shankar also does a good job in her role.
The cinematography by M Sukumar is very good, and the music by Devi Sri Prasad makes the love and action scenes even better. The trailer successfully made people very excited for the movie, which will be released on the 26th of this month.