“Hari Hara Veera Mallu,” a film that began in 2020, encountered various problems, including the COVID pandemic, movie financial issues, creative challenges, and Pawan Kalyan’s commitments to politics.
Despite challenges, the film, set in the 17th century and starring Pawan Kalyan as a warrior and Nidhi Agarwal as the lead female, is still in production four years later.
Director Krish briefly turned his focus to another project, generating doubts about cancellation, however the makers confirmed continuous VFX work and teased a special commercial about being released, probably during Maha Shivaratri.
Producer AM Ratnam underlined the film’s goal of establishing Pawan Kalyan as a pan-India star, announcing a two-part release schedule. Pawan Kalyan is expected to join the sets after completing another project, with the first part slated for a summer 2025 release.