Pawan Kalyan filed his nomination from the Pithapuram assembly constituency today and this was greatly celebrated by the local JSP cadres. Several thousands of JSP cadres turned up to the event and Pawan received a warm welcome from the JSP troops.
Incidentally, the discussion has now gone from Pawan’s chances in Pithapuram constituency to the actual majority that Pawan will be getting. The mass josh infused by the nomination rally in Pithapuram today has worked wonderfully well for Pawan.
The local organization of SVSN Varma, Pawan’s mass charisma and the local equations against Vanga Geetha have all worked in the favor positive image building of Pawan Kalyan.
This kind of confidence in JSP cadres in Pithapuram wasn’t seen in Gajuwaka and Bhimavaram earlier which shows how prepared JSP and Pawan Kalyan is for the coming polls from Pithapuram.