The film “Hanuman,” which premiered during Sankranti this year, has been a box office sensation despite its lack of major stars. It garnered impressive collections across India, surpassing expectations. Teja Sajja, the young lead actor, and Prashant Varma, the director, effectively promoted the movie, enhancing its appeal to a broader audience.
Prashant Varma had previously confirmed a sequel, with “Jai Hanuman” as its title, generating ongoing excitement. On the eve of Sri Ram Navami, a new poster for “Jai Hanuman” was unveiled, depicting Lord Ram placing his hand in Anjaneya’s hand. The promise made by Lord Rama to Hanuman, hinted at the end of the first film, will be explored in the sequel, sparking considerable intrigue.
Upon the poster’s release, Prashant Varma shared his vision, assuring that “Jai Hanuman” will surpass its predecessor in grandeur. He reaffirmed this promise on the auspicious day of Sri Ramanavami. The filmmakers have been working on “Jai Hanuman” for over a year, with a complete story in place, aiming to deliver an exceptional cinematic experience.