The buzz is strong that Shruti Haasan may join legendary Rajinikanth in his next film. Rajinikanth is currently on the sets of ‘Vettaiyaan,’ directed by Gnanavel. Post this project, he’s set to commence work on his 171st film, helmed by Lokesh Kanakaraj and bankrolled by Sun Pictures, which is tentatively named ‘Kalugu.’ The grand reveal of the official title and teaser is expected on the 22nd of this month, with the shoot kicking off in June.
It is being said that Shruti Haasan will be cast as Rajinikanth’s daughter on the silver screen. Shruti makes a comeback following a break, having recently featured in the musical piece ‘Inmale,’ a creation overseen by her father and directed by Lokesh Kanakaraj.
The chances of Shruti Haasan sharing the frame with Rajinikanth is generating considerable excitement. Fans are on the excitement looking forward to more news about this project that promises to unite these two.
Shruti was also last seen in Salaar along side Prabhas and is getting ready to play her role in the sequelof this movie as well.