Ace actor Dilip Kumar, who was hospitalised in Mumbai after complaints of breathlessness due to age related illness, got discharged today. Recently he was under gone lung examination and doctors recommended pleural aspiration therapy as he was diagnosed with bilateral pleural effusion — a build-up of excess fluid between the layers of the pleura outside the lungs.
To the unversed, pleural procedure is performed by inserting a small needle through your chest wall to expel fluid or air from lungs and inside of the chest wall. It was ascertained that the entrapped fluids in pleura caused breathlessness in him. Hence been in ICU with oxygen support.
The 98-year-old actor was under constant medical care and treatment at the suburban Khar-based Hinduja Hospital, a non-COVID-19 facility, since Sunday.
The actor’s family friend Faisal Farooqui took to social media to confirm the news. “With the blessings and prayers of all of you, Dilip Sahab is going to his home from the hospital. Unlimited love and affection of you guys always touch the heart of Sahab”, an update on his official Twitter handle read. It was posted by Kumar’s family friend, Faisal Farooqui.