As Ramya Krishnan nailed the weekend episodes of Bigg Boss 3 Telugu, it was anticipated that even Nagarjuna will try to take it as a challenge and improve his hosting skills this week. But surprisingly, there is no such attempt from the Akkineni hero. He showcased the same old boring hosting skills, where his disinterest on the show can be clearly felt.
Also read: Ali Reza all set to exit Bigg Boss 3 Telugu!
Just like any other week, Nagarjuna tried to handle the issues on a lighter vein. This is making the contestants like Sreemukhi, Baba Bhaskar, take him for granted and aim some humor at him, which is not being liked by many.
As Nagarjuna is already committed to host for the entire season, it seems, he is only forced to keep up his promise with no option left. Meanwhile, the audience is showing an outright rejection to the Akkineni hero’s hosting and are requesting for the reentry of Ramya Krishnan.
As the yesteryear actress was loved for her aggressive approach on the housemates who committed mistakes, for a show like Bigg Boss, she is being treated as a right choice. But will she consider the request of Bigg Boss organizers, if at all Nag chooses to leave the show? Let’s see.