VJ Sunny, the title winner of Telugu Bigg Boss season 5 has come up with a new film, titled Sound Party, written and directed by Sanjay Sheri. The film features Shivannarayana of Amrutham fame as Sunny’s father, and Hrithika Srinivas as the leading lady. The teaser and trailer of the film were received well by the audience and managed to increase the expectations surrounding the film. Let us now see how the film has turned out to be upon release.
The story of Sound Party is about a middle-class father and son, who wants to become rich and devise plans to make it happen at any cost. This is when they come to know about the concept of bitcoin and decide to make use of it and get rich. They devise a plan, which leads to a lot of interesting twists and unexpected turns. What happens, and does this father-son duo manage to actually become rich in the end forms the rest of the story.
On-Screen Performances:
Thanks to his stint on Bigg Boss, VJ Sunny is a popular name among audiences. He has been seen in a couple of prominent projects previously, like Sakala Gunabhi Rama and ATM, in which he was seen in serious roles. He has done something different in Sound Party, having been in an entertaining role. As such, there’s something new that he got to do. His scenes with Shivannarayana are entertaining, and Sunny manages to grab your attention. However, in some of the more heavily demanding scenes, he falls flat, especially when alongside Shivannarayana.
Shivannarayana is a comedy veteran, and a very experienced actor, which clearly shows through the entire film. He is good in almost every scene, and his expressions are on point. He makes you laugh and entertains you thoroughly. He is one of the major plus points for this film. Whichever scene he is in, he steals the show. It is also very refreshing and good to see him in a full-length role, after such a long time.
Leading lady Hrithika doesn’t have much to do in the film, but looks pretty on the screen. The remaining supporting cast, which includes Priya, Saptagiri, Ali, and others, do well in what they have been given.
Off-Screen Talents:
The director, Sanjay Sheri, didn’t completely come up with a new concept, he just put a new spin on a concept that’s been explored multiple times in Telugu cinema. He introduced the concept of Bitcoin to the tried and tested trope of middle-class characters wanting to become rich. His screenplay is a hit and a miss, which is a major flaw of the film. His dialogues are one of the positives, with a lot of witty lines present throughout the film. The surprise element of the film is alright, but it could have been better led up to. On the whole, Sanjay manages to come up with several entertaining bits, but the shoddy screenplay and the predictable nature of the plot make the film less enjoyable. He has done a commendable job by keeping the runtime of the film short.
The background music of the film, composed by Mohith Rahmaniac is just alright. The songs are completely forgettable. The cinematography is fine, and so is the production design. The editing is okay.
Plus Points:
- Run time
- Shivannarayana performance
Minus Points:
- Screenplay
- Routine story
Verdict: Sound Party is a film that is very much predictable and something that has been several times before. It is a film that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your house and doesn’t warrant a theatrical watch.
Telugubulletin.com Rating: 2.25/5