Manoj Kumar Manchu and Mounika Bhuma Manchu have been blessed with a baby girl, as officially announced by Manoj’s sister, Lakshmi Manchu, on Social media. The couple had eagerly awaited this moment, and their joy knows no bounds. The little one has been affectionately nicknamed “MM Puli” .
Lakshmi Manchu tweeted, “And just like that, they are four! Blessed by the Gods, a little Goddess has arrived! We are thrilled to announce that Manoj Kumar and Mounika have welcomed their much-awaited baby girl. Dhairav, her older brother, is overjoyed. Cherishing her nickname, we all lovingly call her ‘MM Puli.’ May Lord Shiva’s blessings always be upon this complete family. Bless them with all your love! #MMPuli #AthaGoals #celebratinglife #littleGoddess #babyannouncement #unlimitedjoy #MM”.
On the work front, Recently, Manoj Kumar has returned to acting after a huge gap. He is currently involved in several projects in the pre-production phase. Additionally, an unannounced crazy action film has already started its shooting. Fans can look forward to catching a glimpse of this high-octane movie, which is set to be released on Manoj Kumar Manchu’s birthday, May 20th.
🌟 And just like that, they are four! Blessed by the Gods, a little Goddess has arrived! We are thrilled to announce that Manoj and Mounika have welcomed their much-awaited baby girl. Dhairav is overjoyed as her big brother. Cherishing her nickname, we all…
— Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna (@LakshmiManchu) April 13, 2024