A 25-year-old student named Mohammed Abdul Arfath, originally from Hyderabad, India, has mysteriously disappeared in the United States. He was pursuing a master’s degree in Information Technology at Cleveland University in Ohio.
Unfortunately, his family back home has received a ransom call, adding to their distress. Arfath has not been in contact with his family since March 7. The situation remains concerning, and authorities are actively investigating his whereabouts.
The parents of Mohammed Abdul Arfath, who live in the Malkajgiri district near Hyderabad, have been targeted by an unidentified caller. This caller has demanded a ransom of $12,000 and conveyed a chilling message that their son has been kidnapped and is now under threat of having his kidney sold.
Saleem, Arfath’s father through a relative in the US, contacted the Cleveland police and filed a complaint. According to the order, Arfath was last seen wearing a white T-shirt, a red jacket, and blue jeans. In addition, the family reached out to the Indian Consulate in Chicago on March 18, seeking assistance in locating Arfath. Saleem has also reached out to External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar for further help in finding his son.