The sequel to the super successful horror film Chandramukhi, Chandramukhi 2, featuring Raghava Lawrence and Kangana Ranaut has been released today. The movie is directed by P Vasu, who directed the original. There are decent expectations for the movie, and let’s see how it has turned out to be,
Ranganayaki and her family members have to perform a major pooja, which leads them to stay in the Venkatapuram Raj Mahal, from where Kailash’s family left, following the events in the first movie. Basavayya owns the palace now and warns Ranganayaki and her family to not go towards the South of the house. However, things go bad and Madan is in the center of it all. Who is Madan and what happens forms the rest of the story.
On-Screen Performances:
Raghava Lawrence is not new to these kinds of horror films, as he is very familiar with the Muni franchise. He puts his best efforts into this movie as well and is really good in the flashback scenes as King Vetayya. Even though his performance was fine in the first half, it doesn’t add much to it.
Kangana Ranaut is seen in the second half and her performance as Chandramukhi is good, but not to the extent where it is better than that of Jyothika. It is just fine. Nevertheless , the actress has a decent screen presence.
The rest of the supporting cast, including Vadivelu, Radhika, Mahima, and others do not have much to do and are just fine in what they have been given. Radhika is apt in her role, while Vadivelu’s comedy doesn’t really work and Mahima feels wasted, apart from the scene where she is possessed, where her performance seems to be fine.
Off-Screen talents:
Director P Vasu has tried to follow the same formula that he did with the first part, and it feels repetitive most of the time. The love track between Lawrence and Mahima seems to be a replica of the love track between Rajinikanth and Nayanthara from the first part, and it doesn’t work. The first half is a okay to watch. The second half follows the same formula as the first film, and is not very entertaining either. It is bearable to a certain extent only because of the performances, which are alright.
The music and background score by Keeravani was hyped up, but with the exception of a few scenes, it is not very impressive. The production values are really good, while the camera work is alright, and the editing could have been much better.
Plus Points:
- Lawrence’s performance
- A few comedy scenes
Minus Points:
- Routine formula
- Predictable Second Half
Verdict: Chandramukhi 2 is only partly entertaining, and has nothing new to offer in terms of its plot or treatment. The saving grace of the film is the performances by its lead actors, making it just an average watch. Rating: 2.5/5