Tamil actor Vijay Anthony, who became famous to the Telugu audiences with the film Bichagadu has now come up with a sequel for the movie, Bichagadu 2, which has been carrying decent expectations on it. The movie has been released today, and let’s see how it has turned out to be.
Vijay Gurumurthy is a rich guy, who has a look-alike in the form of Satya, a poor beggar. To gain control over Vijay, his friends decide to get Vijay’s brain transplanted by Satya’s brain. However, things get a lot more for the friends as Satya has his own goals and agendas. What are those and what happens ultimately forms the rest of the story.
On-Screen Performances:
Vijay Anthony tries to give his best, and while he does give a good performance most of the time, he fails to deliver a proper emotional performance toward the end of the film, which turns out to be a huge negative. Had the actor managed to get his emotions right during the climax, it would have been much better.
Leading lady Kavya Thapar doesn’t have a lot to do, but looks good whenever she’s on the big screen.
The remaining supporting cast are decent in their roles.
Off-Screen Talents:
The story of Bichagadu 2 is nothing new and doesn’t even have a unique feel to it, in terms of its treatment. These factors make the film feel like an inferior product when compared to the first film, which was unique in its concept, which was its main draw. Moreover, the director failed to convey the message he wanted to, properly, which makes the audiences dissociate from the film on the whole. The first one hour of the film is good, racy and interesting, but things go downhill from there, with high octane fights which are unnecessarily pumped up and a weak climax.
On the other hand, the film also greatly suffers from the problems every dubbing movie does. There’s no proper lip sync in the movie, and the lack of Telugu nativity also causes hindrances in the watching experience.
The background music of the film is very good and is one of the major highlights of the movie. The cinematography is also very good, and the production design is rich, all of which reflect in every scene.
What’s Hot?
- First one hour
- Background music
- Screenplay
What’s Not?
- Elevation scenes
- Message is diluted
- Over-the-top fights
Verdict: Bichagadu 2 had a lot of promise, but also had a lot of expectations. While it manages to start off the right way, as the movie progresses, it becomes a run-of-the-mill film, making it very inferior to the first part. This movie doesn’t warranty a theatrical experience and can be safely passed on.
Telugubulletin.com Rating: 2.25/5
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Bichagadu 2 is ane action thriller film co-written, edited, directed, and music-composed by Vijay Antony in his directorial debut. The film stars Vijay Antony and Kavya Thapar with Radha Ravi, Y. G. Mahendran, Mansoor Ali Khan, Hareesh Peradi, John Vijay, Dev Gill and Yogi Babu in supporting roles. The cinematography of the film was done by Om Narayan, and the editing and Music of the film was done by Vijay Antony.
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8:15 PM EST – Vijay is the 7th richest person in India, his close aid plots a conspiracy against him. First 15 mins of the movie is interesting
9:00 PM EST – Vijay Gurumurty goes through brain implantation from Satya. Satya has a flash back story. Vijay Gurumurthy starts to think like Satya. One hour into the movie and movie is ok without any boring moments
1st half report: First half of Bichagadu 2 has thriller elements that engages audience. Missing lip sync is an annoying point. First half ends with an interesting twist, depends on how much the 2nd half engages.
10:00 PM EST – Vijay Gurumurthy decides to help the poor by selling all life essentials at cheaper price. Movie has some good elevation scenes (but they are over the top)
Final report – Bichhagadu 2 starts of with an interesting plot later turns into a routine formulaic cinema. It has its moments (but some times over the top) but the message that the director wanted to convey got too diluted. Movie ends with an emotional climax. Bichagadu 2 makes a passable watch