Chetan Maddineni turned actor with Telugu movie ‘Rojulu Maarayi’ in 2016, under Dil raju production. And then came, Gulf from him after his debut.
‘Beach Road Chetan’, an experimental mofollowed. With that movie, he also proved his mettle as a director. What was unique about that movie was that it was shot on iPhone and came to be critically acclaimed for its content. ‘1st Rank Raju’ was another movie that fetched Chetan much-needed traction among the audience.
In this special birthday interview, Chetan talks about his journey so far. He also talks about his upcoming movie:
Being a fan of the theatrical movie-watching experience, I want to make films only for the big screen. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I couldn’t make much progress for about two years, Chetan said.
During my sabbatical, I went to a film institute in Los Angeles. I got trained in method acting there. I returned to India after the pandemic was well behind.
After the release of ‘1st Rank Raju’, I listened to a number of stories. In the process, a story pitched by the talented writer Gopi Mohan garu impressed me a great deal. My film with him has been made as a romantic entertainer. I loved the script so much that I decided to produce it myself. Shot in Poland, the yet-to-be-titled movie has been completed to the tune of 50%.
The film is being directed by Sai Kishore Macha of Allari Naresh’s ‘James Bond’ fame. The film will be entertaining on the lines of ‘Ready’, ‘Dhee’, and ‘Chirunavvutho’. Gopi Sundar garu is setting the songs to tune and they have shaped up really well. We have already picturized three songs.
Hebah Patel has undergone a makeover for the movie. The film features an ensemble cast. The artists are well-known and highly talented. We are going to announce the title of the movie soon.