Yevam is a 2024 Telugu language crime thriller film written and directed by Prakash Dantuluri. The film has Chandini Chowdary, Vasishta Simha, Bharat Raj & Ashu Reddy playing the lead roles while Goparaju Ramana, Devi Prasad, Kalpalatha, Avi, Sambhavi & others are seen in important supporting roles. The music is composed by Keertana Sesh & Neelesh Mandalapu and the film is produced by Navdeep & Pavan Goparaju under Cspace & Prakash Dantuluri Productions banners.
In the small town of Vikarabad, a female police officer Soumya (Chandini Chowdary), who is determined to prove herself joins as PSI at the local police station where another sincere Police officer Abhiram (Bharat Raj) is the SI. One day a girl gets murdered, and Soumya connects it with another case and discovers that a person named Yugandhar (Vasistha Simha) is trapping girls who are die-hard fans of Tollywood superstars. How does Soumya solve the case with the help of Abhiram forms the rest of the plot.
What about on-screen performances?
Chandini Chowdary does a pretty decent job as a strong female police officer. She does her job with sincerity but her role doesn’t justify the “Re-Introducing” tag that comes in the title cards along with her name.
Vasishta Simha shines in his part as Yugandhar. He evokes the right kind of expressions in his scenes and his strong voice is a big advantage for him.
Bharat Raj is just about fine in the role of the superior officer Abhiram. He surely needs to improve his acting skills as there are many places in the film where he struggles to convey basic expressions effectively and get the body language right.
Ashu Reddy is okay in an insignificant role that didn’t have any impact on the film nor gave any scope for her to show her acting talent.
Goparaju Ramana does a neat job as the constable but his role could have been written a lot better.
Ramana, Devi Prasad, Kalpalatha, Avi, Sambhavi & others are adequate in their limited parts.
What about off-screen talents?
The story by Prakash Dantuluri is a regular crime thriller story that lacks substance. All though the film aimed to highlight female power through the character of Chandini, the execution and the way the whole script is written spoils it big time.
The screenplay is the biggest drawback of the film. The scenes never generate any interest in the way they are told on screen as they lack engaging elements. Even the few scenes that were good on paper are presented in a half-baked manner. The girls falling for star heroes scenes are one such good example of this. Even the whole split personality disorder element is very poorly presented through the scenes.
Director Prakash Dantuluri does a below-par job with his craft. His presentation is clueless and his narrative lacked clarity, making the story extremely weak. Had the makers concentrated more on the script and developed it better, it could have made a significant difference to the film.
The songs by Keertana Sesh & Neelesh Mandalapu are forgettable. The whole rap song is poorly placed into the narrative as it looks odd with the proceedings. The background score by Keertana Sesh also fails to elevate the film.
S.V Vishweshwar’s cinematography is good while the edit by Srujana Adusumilli is not up to the mark as the film has serious pace issues.
The production values of Cspace & Prakash Dantuluri Productions are adequate.
What’s Hot?
* Chandini Chowdary’s Performance
* Vasishta Simha’s Performance
What’s Not?
* Poorly Written Screenplay
* Clueless Narrative & Direction
* Too Many Half Baked Scenes
* Silly Split Personality Disorder Presentation
* Baseless Love Track
* Weak Songs & Background Score
Verdict: on the whole, Yevam is a poorly presented crime thriller with zero substance which never scores at any brownie points. The writing is the biggest disappointment in the film and the presentation is also very confusing which makes this a boring affair in the theatres. Rating: 1.5/5