Nandamuri Kalyan Ram’s Devil is set for release in hours from now. The film is releasing on 29 September. Incidentally, TDP media has now started to share a fake campaign on Devil. All this over Kalyan Ram’s recent comment where he said he and NTR will soon reveal which party they will support in AP politics. TDP media and supporters grew grudge as he didn’t say he and NTR are with TDP no matter whay.
TDP related Twitter handles are sharing posts that Kalyan Ram is a nobody without TDP’s support and saying Devil is seeing no advance bookings due to the boycott from TDP fans.
TDP affiliated media is also taking up this campaign as they are sharing snaps of US collections of the film that are near non-existent. They are saying that TDP supporters have deserted Kalyan Ram over his recent comment on TDP and hence the poor run of Devil.
What Kalyan Ram said was vague and he said nothing against TDP. He didn’t speak a single word against TDP or its leadership. But TDP media can’t differentiate between films and politics and they are spreading fake campaign against Nandamuri family member Kalyan Ram and his Devil film hours before its release.
Similar thing happened in the past when TDP supporters boycotted NTR’s Dammu in the past with their vested interests.