Jagan Mohan Reddy approached the Andhra Pradesh High Court last afternoon. His petition read that the AP government reduced his security and it needs to be revoked immediately and his old security protocol must be restored.
Jagan’s appeal at the high court had led to a series of reactions on social media. In one such findings, it has been unearthed that CM Chandrababu has played a mere tit for tat game with Jagan.
Earlier, when Jagan became the CM of AP in 2019, he immediately downsized Chandrababu’s security. In just a month after the formation of the YCP government then, Chandrababu who has elevated security threat and possesses Z+ security, approached the High Court protesting the reduction of his security.
At least, in the case of Chandrababu, he was the leader of opposition then and could fight the case for elevated security. But in the case of Jagan, he is just another MLA and the appeal for CM-grade security is going to be a tough one to negotiate.
The first thing Jagan did after becoming the CM was massively cut down Chandrababu’s security. Now, Babu has given it back to Jagan and that too with the designated protocol, considering that Jagan is just an MLA and nothing more now.