Among many good English web series on Netflix, we could handpick our favorite top 10 for you.....

Peaky Blinders is an excellent Gangster drama and you will certainly fall in love with 'Thomas Shelby' by the end of the series.

IMDb:  8.8

Schitt's Creek is a Canadian comedy series that will give you a joy ride of various emotions altogether.

IMDb:  8.5

Dark is a phenomenal time-travel series that will keep you thrilled with each passing episode.

IMDb:  8.8

The meth-making series, Breaking Bad will leave you in awe, especially Walter White's deeply flawed yet genius character.

IMDb:  9.4

Stranger Things is Sci-fi series with amazing graphics, a unique plot and thrilling scenes. It is a kid-friendly series as well.

IMDb:  8.7

Orange Is The New Black revolves around female prisoners which will teach you many life lessons in the end, besides black humor.

IMDb:  8.0

The Crown is based on the British royal family's real events and the series is a true piece of art. Give it a go especially for its Oscar-level acting.

IMDb:  8.6

Game of Thrones is an incredibly popular series with an endless amount of “goosebump-giving” scenes. If you are into fantasy and medieval drama, it is the right choice for you

IMDb:  9.2

The Walking Dead is a horror series that will leave you binge-watch. If you are a fan of zombies, check it out for its best heart-pounding scenes.

IMDb:  8.2

Fargo is a crime drama anthology with a stellar cast and top-notch performances. The series is based on real crime events in Minnesota.

IMDb:  8.9