Dynamic hero Vishwak Sen’s maiden Pan India film Das Ka Dhamki is all set for a grand release worldwide on 22nd of this month. The makers are promoting the movie vigorously, as the release date is not far away. They released three songs so far which all became chartbusters. The previously released theatrical trailer 1.0 set high expectations on the movie. Today, they released the trailer 2.0 during grand public event in Karimnagar.
The makers have cut a perfect trailer that shows all the elements in right proportions. The trailer also discloses the storyline. It’s about two different people who are of different mindsets. While one is rich and owns a pharma firm, the other works at a hotel as a waiter. While the pharma CEO discovers a drug that helps cancer patients to recover completely and his goal is to see a world of no cancer patients, the other who is poor doesn’t want to die poor. An unfortunate incident leads to the death of the rich and the poor is brought in his place.
Vishwak Sen appeared super-cool as a pharma CEO, wherein he looked massy as a waiter. He is exceptional in both characters. Nivetha Pethuraj looked pretty and glamorous as Vishwak’s love interest. They shared a sparkling chemistry. Moreover, there is a good dose of humor in the love track.