Daggubati Venkatesh worked with young director Sailesh Kolanu for his recent Sankranthi release, Saindhav. The film released in theaters on the 13th of this month and it has disappeared without a trace already.
The film was such a big disaster that the theatrical deals resulted in nearly 90% losses. Venkatesh is usually a bankable hero during the Sankranthi season but this didnt help Saindhav at all.
Apparently, Venkatesh is distraught with the result that Saindhav got. He didn’t expect the film to be such a huge disaster.
Venkatesh played a stylish character in the film and he thought the slick action genre will work for him. But after seeing the film not even getting a mention-worthy start, he is in contemplation mode. He is thinking about what went wrong with the film.
Venkatesh has decided not to do films like these in the future and stick to the family here that suits him very well.