Telangana minister KTR, and TPCC Chief Revanth Reddy continue to bicker on Twitter, and their war has just intensified, with KCR’s new tweet on Revanth. Responding to Revanth calling Shashi Tharoor a donkey, KTR tweeted, “As the chairman of the IT standing committee, Shashi Tharoor Ji had paid some compliments to the efforts of the Govt of Telangana recently His colleague in parliament & PCC Cheap calls him a Donkey!! This is what happens when you have a 3rd rate criminal/thug leading the party.”
This has raised eyebrows, as KTR has not only called Revanth Reddy cheap, but also a 3rd rate criminal and thug. Revanth Reddy called Shashi Tharoor a donkey after Tharoor praised KTR and TRS for the achievements that have taken place in the IT sector in Hyderbad when Tharoor recently toured Hyderabad on a study tour of the Parliamentary Standing committee.
Revanth called Tharoor a donkey in reference to this and said that he knows nothing about what’s happening in Hyderabad. Revanth also attacked KTR and called him an irresponsible minister when the latter tweeted that the accused in the 6-year-old’s sexual assault case was caught by the police department. As soon as he realise the fact, KTR once again took to Twitter and apologised to everyone, stating that the police is on a hunt for the man.