The other day, Mansoor Khan, a Tamil actor who was recently seen in Leo made wild comments on Trisha, saying he hoped there would be scenes where he rapes the heroine of the film(Trisha) but is disappointed that it didn’t happen.
Trisha has given a strong response to the same and she was equally befitting with her fiery statement.
“A recent video has come to my notice where Mr.Mansoor Ali Khan has spoken about me in a vile and disgusting manner.I strongly condemn this and find it sexist, disrespectful, misogynistic,repulsive and in bad taste.”
“He can keep wishing but I am grateful never to have shared screen space with someone as pathetic as him and I will make sure it never happens for the rest of my film career as well. People like him bring a bad name to mankind.” Trisha tweeted out.
Trisha is evidently disgusted by the comments from the fellow actor from Leo.