Nara Lokesh started his Padayatra – Yuvagalam from Kuppam today and he received a warm welcome from the TDP troops in the area. He was accompanied by Balakrishna and Tarakaratna.
Incidentally, a couple of hours after the start of the Yatra, Tarakaratna fainted and fell down while on the Yatra.
Tarakaratna was quickly shifted to the KC Hospital in Kuppam for primary aid. The medical team then suggested to shift him to a private hospital in Bangalore for better treatment.
The party spokespersons stated that Tarakaratna fainted due to the big crowds at the yatra. He is likely to be shifted to Bangalore very soon for better treatment.
Lokesh is continuing on his yatra. An update on Tarakaratna’s condition will be out soon.