Hero Srikanth revealed the first look of the film “Police Vari Hecharika,” at his home which is produced by Belli Janarthan under the banner of Tulika Tanishk Creations and directed by Babji.
Srikanth said that the first look is as captivating as the title. It features a policeman bound with guns, which is quite unique. He said that director Babji consistently presents fresh stories and innovative concepts and he believe that this film will achieve significant success.
Director Babji expressed his admiration for Srikanth, referring to him as a brother in the film industry, and conveyed confidence that “Police Vari Hecharika,” launched by such a kind-hearted individual will receive a warm reception from audiences.
Producer Belli Janarthan shared his excitement, stating he have always wanted to take a photo with hero Srikanth, and feel fortunate that he unveiled the first look poster of his film today.
The event was also attended by the film’s lead actor Sunny Akhil, actress Jaya Vahini, project coordinator Y. Hanumantha Rao, and others. Currently, the film is in the post-production phase.