Tollywood Energetic Actor Ram Pothineni, known for his infectious energy, marked another year of existence, much to the delight of his devoted fans. Adding to the jubilation, the team behind his upcoming venture, Double Ismart, unveiled a riveting teaser.
On his birthday, Ram took to Instagram to extend heartfelt thanks to his fans and supporters, reflecting on his diverse career trajectory. He penned, “From Acting & Directing School Plays to Book readings at the Oxford University Press to Theatre to Short films to Feature films… The biggest success in your life is being able to do what you love the most in life, for most of your life, at your own pace, on your own terms… Doing whatever makes you Feel Alive… is the whole point of Being Alive.”
He added, “Thank you… for being a part of this journey… Bless you… for always being there for me… Love you… for being you… can’t wait to see where this takes us all… Coz, We-Are-Just-Getting-Started!!”
Fans flooded his post with an avalanche of birthday wishes. Ram is now prepping for the release of Double Ismart, helmed by Puri Jagannadh, promising yet another enthralling cinematic experience for audiences nationwide.