Ram Charan is currently busy shooting for his upcoming film, tentatively titled RC15, which is being directed by Shankar. The movie is being made on a massive budget, on a pan-Indian scale, and features Kiara Advani as the leading lady in the film. A song from the film has been wrapped up today, and with the wrap of the song, the film’s team has kickstarted the birthday celebrations of Ram Charan as well.
The song has been choreographed by Prabhudeva, who is known as the Michael Jackson of India. It is to be seen what sort of magic has taken place with Prabhudeva’s choreography and Charan’s moves on the big screen. The music for the film is composed by Thaman.
Ram Charan is set to celebrate his birthday in two days, on 27th March, so it’s an early celebration of his birthday. This is the right time to celebrate his birthday in advance as well, given that the actor recently got back from the Oscar awards, where Naatu Naatu from his film RRR won the Oscar for Best Original song. On the other hand, Charan’s birthday celebrations are expected to be grand this year.