Sudarshan Paruchuri, the grandson of renowned writer Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao, is set to make his acting debut in the upcoming suspense and crime thriller Mr. Celebrity. This film is produced by Chinna Reddiah and N. Panduranga Rao under the RP Cinemas banner, with Chandina Ravi Kishore as the director. Scheduled for release on October 4, it features a strong cast including Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Sri Deeksha, Nazar, and Raghubabu.
The recently launched trailer, unveiled by actor Rana Daggubati, has gained good attention. It presents a narrative centered around freedom of speech, stating that “Talking about what you know is freedom, but talking about what you don’t know is a crime.” The film addresses the effects of rumors surrounding celebrities and the casual comments made about them, a topic that is in debate strongly within the industry.
Now, Pan India Star Prabhas has shown his support for Mr. Celebrity by sharing a post on social media. He expressed his hopes for the film’s success and acknowledged the contributions of Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao to his own career, stating, “My first film and first blockbuster was given by Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao and Gopal Krishna garuy. I hope Mr. Celebrity, featuring his grandson Sudarshan as the hero, achieves great success. May Sudarshan continue to achieve victories and reach new heights in his career.” In a way, Prabhas has shown his gratitude towards Paruchuri brothers by supporting this movie.