Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu lashed out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, for his comments that Naidu is using Polavaram project as his ATM.
Naidu said that the Central government has only released Rs. 7000 crores for Polavaram project which was aimed at completing with a whooping Rs. 58000 crores.
“Modi is only making baseless comments on TDP and it is shameless that a person of his stature is making such comments,” Naidu said.
He further added, “in the past, the Centre itself has identified Polavaram project as the fastest completing project in the country and even awarded me for it. Now it is surprising to know that the same Centre is targeting me for the once appreciated project.”
Finally, Naidu assured water from the Polavaram project on gravity basis in July and also said that his government is committed on completing the irrigation projects on a war-footing basis.
Naidu also retorted to Modi’s comments in his satirical way. He said, “Modi is saying that Polavaram project is my ATM. But there’s no money in the ATMs, thanks to Mr Modi and his demonetisation. Polavaram is the lifeline of Andhra Pradesh – it is not ATM for me, but ATW (anytime water) for the State. The PM Modi is spewing venom and suppressing facts for political reasons.”