It is known that Mega hero Varun Tej has joined hands with director Praveen Sattaru for his upcoming film, titled Gandeevadhari Arjuna. The stylish actioner sees the Ghani actor in a power-packed role and it is said that he will feature as a firearms expert.
In a latest snap that is making rounds on the Internet, Varun Tej can be seen preparing for his role in the movie. Donning a basic tee and operating his phone, the protagonist has lost in thoughts. Gandeevadhari Arjuna stars Sakshi Vaidya in the female lead role.
Besides this movie, Varun Tej has a Telugu-Hindi bilingual action-drama that is inspired by India’s Air Force. Tentatively titled ‘#VT13’, the film marks Varun’s Hindi debut. It will be directed by debutant Shakti Pratap Singh Hada.