Srikanth Addala, known for feel-good films like “Kottha Bangaru Lokam” and “Seetamma Vaakitlo Siri Malle Chettu,” faced a setback with the disastrous “Brahmotsavam.”
After a 7-year hiatus, he’s back with “Peddha Kapu,” his first theatrical release since then. The film has garnered unexpected hype due to impactful teasers and promos, despite lacking major star power.
The film appears well-made, good to producer Miryala Ravinder Reddy, known for “Akhanda.” The promotional material suggests a solid and impactful movie. If it succeeds, Addala’s career could see a resurgence with more offers.
However, if it disappoints, finding a producer for his future projects might be tough. “Peddha Kapu” is a make or break opportunity for him, but currently, the outlook seems positive, with the audience showing interest in what could be a promising film.