Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan has become a key player in Andhra Pradesh politics as his party is the second biggest outfit in the state after TDP. JSP is bigger than YCP in terms of MLAs strength and this is a mighty feat for the Pawan Kalyan-led party.
Today, Janasena and TDP along with BJP partook in a legislative meeting to prepare the legal formalities before Chandrababu takes charge as the CM of AP tomorrow.
At the meeting, Pawan Kalyan was the one who strengthened Chandrababu’s candidacy for the CM post. He confidently announced that JSP would stand by Chandrababu and his leadership.
This was followed by Chandrababu getting emotional with Pawan’s speech and the two of them sharing a hug on stage. The camaraderie between the TDP chief and the JSP chief was very interesting to watch.