After a long gap, director SV Krishna Reddy, who was all the rage in the 90s, has come up with a film now, titled Organic Mama Hybrid Alludu, starring Rajendra Prasad and Sohel in the lead roles. The movie has been released today and let’s see how it has turned out to be.
Vijay aspires to be a director in the film industry, but none of his trials are successful, and he sells toys with his family for a living. He falls in love with Haasini and when Haasini’s father Venkataramana gets to know about the love affair, he objects to their relationship. Why does he do that and what happens, in the end, forms the rest of the story.
On-Screen Talents:
As usual, Rajendra Prasad, who has more than once proved his mettle and genius as an actor has done a fantastic job. The role that he has been given in the film is nothing new and is not an impossible task for this veteran actor to pull off, and he has done it effortlessly.
Sohel of Bigg Boss fame has a very good screen presence and he has given a good performance as a failed film director. His dance and action sequences are also good. However, he pales in front of experienced artists like Rajendra Prasad and Sunil and is weak with his emotional skills, which is a major drawback for the actor.
Lead actress Mrinalini Ravi looks good and gives a decent performance. While she doesn’t have a lot to do, she is also not wasted at the same time.
Actress Meena seems to have been wasted in the film a bit. The rest of the supporting cast is good, and Sunil stands out, with his hilarious body language and in an out-and-out comic role after a long time.
Off-Screen Talents:
Director SV Krishna Reddy was a top director in the 90s, and it looks as though he is stuck in that era. Many scenes and many sequences are straight out from a 90s film, and the entire movie is formula driven – in the sense that a fight sequence is followed by a song, which is in turn followed by a comedy scene. The director has failed to create any novelty with the script that he has written, and even though he has come up with a routine concept, he fails to make it engaging. The pacing of the film is also a major drawback as it feels like the film is never ending, with a drawn-out climax and a very boring second half.
The music of the film, composed by SV Krishna Reddy, is not an asset for the film, and doesn’t remain with you for a long time, but is nevertheless quite pleasant to hear.
The cinematography of the film is good. The production values are also good. However, the editing is very bad and could have been made a lot better.
Plus Points:
- A few comedy scenes
- Sohel and Rajendra Prasad’s screen presence
Minus Points:
- Pacing
- Story
- Screenplay
Verdict: Organic Mama Hybrid Alludu is a template film that has been seen in various forms already. It is a film that is straight out of the 90s era and can be skipped in theatres. It can be safely watched on OTT at a leisurely time. Rating: 2/5