Featuring young hero Rakshit Atluri in the lead role, Operation Raavan hit the big screens today. The film is billed to be a psycho thriller and let us have a look at what the film has to offer to the viewers.
Ram (Rakshit) is the son of a news channel owner and he sets out to understand his company from the grassroots level by joining as an ordinary employee in the same channel. In the process, he meets Amani(Sangeerthana) and tries to woo her despite her reluctance. One day, Amani gets kidnapped by a serial killer and Ram is left with the job of tracking him down and saving his love interest.
What about the on-screen performances?
Youngster Rakshit Atluri is good in his intense role. He brings out the desired intensity for such a racy role. He is ably backed by a fine performance from his costar Sageerthana.
Veterans Radhika Sarath Kumar and Raghu Kunche add value to their roles with their refined presence. The film has a good casting and the actors deliver what is expected of them.
What about off-screen talents?
The film is directed by newcomer Venkata Sathya who does a partly decent job with his maiden attempt. Though there isn’t much fresh about the story, he presents his premise in a partly gripping manner in the latter half.
The opening half of the film has a fair bit of lag involved and this could have been presented in a better manner to make the film far more appealing. The proceedings pick up pace only towards the end of the first half.
The second half is comparatively better. The track involving the media, police, and suspect tracking works the trick. The investigative journalism thread is the mainstay of the film. The psycho terror plot works out towards the end.
But there is jerks in the narration which results in uneven pace of the proceedings. This could have been avoided with steady writing.
Background score is of good quality as is expected for a psycho thriller. The visuals are alright.
What’s Hot?
- Rakshit and Sangeerthana’s performances
- Investigation Track and Villain Suspense Episode
What’s Not?
- Lag in first half
- Textbook psycho thriller approach
Verdict: Operation Raavan has its own share of ups and downs with the psycho killer plot being the focal point. After a lag-filled first half, the pace picks up in the latter half. Overall, those who love psycho thrillers might give it a try this weekend.
Telugubulletin.com Rating: 2.5/5