The upcoming film “Revu,” starring Vamsi Ram Pendyal, Ajay, Swathi Bheemireddy, and Epuri Hari, is gearing up for its release. This project is produced by Dr. Murali Ginjupalli and Naveen Parupalli, under the Samhith Entertainments and Parupalli Production banners.
The production is supervised by journalist Prabhu, with senior film journalist Parvatneni Rambabu serving as the Executive Producer. Harinath Puli is the director of the film.
The promotional materials released by the filmmakers, including posters, teasers, and songs, have already generated excitement among the audience.
Recently, a touching song titled “Ole Ole” was released. This emotionally resonant piece, written by Imran Shastri and beautifully composed and sung by John K. Joseph, is a powerful addition to the film’s soundtrack.
The film’s technical crew includes Revanth Sagar as the cinematographer and Shiva Sharvani as the editor. The release date will be announced soon.