The central government has recommended to President Ram Nath Kovind the rejection of mercy plea filed by one of the convicts in the sensational Nirbhaya rape case. Earlier in 2017, the Supreme Court had dismissed a review petition filed by one of the convicts and confirmed the death sentence.
Delhi Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal has recently sent to the Home Ministry, the file rejecting the mercy plea. It was later forwarded to the President for final decision, however recommending the rejection of plea. One of the five convicts who are involved in the gang rape of Nirbhaya in 2012, Vinay Sharma had filed the mercy petition before the President.
Also read: Disha row: VC Sajjanar also encountered culprits in 2008 acid attack case
Nirbhaya was gang raped on December 16, 2012. She later succumbed to her injuries. The incident shook the nation and an act was passed later under Nirbhaya’s name, which severely punishes rapists.
The mercy plea rejection comes at a time when the entire nation is in awe of Telangana police for performing encounter on all the four culprits who raped and murdered Disha.