Natural Star Nani’s latest release, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, has been making waves at the box office, despite the impact of rains in a few parts of the Telugu states. The movie, directed by Vivek Athreya and produced by DVV Entertainment, has been breaking records and setting new benchmarks for Nani’s career.
One of the most impressive feats of Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is its massive ticket sales on the popular ticketing portal BookMyShow. The movie has surpassed 1 million ticket sales resonating its box office success.
In addition to its success in the domestic market, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is also making waves at the overseas box office. The movie has now become Nani’s biggest grosser in North America, surpassing his previous record held by Dasara.
It has grossed over $2.05 million in North America, making it the fastest movie for Nani to cross the 2 million mark. Nani now has 2 two million-dollar movies in the North American market, with Dasara grossing $2.05 million in its lifetime run.
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is expected to continue its successful run in theaters across the Telugu states and overseas markets.