Natural Star Nani recently launched the teaser for “Maa Nanna Superhero,” a family drama starring Nava Dalapathy Sudheer Babu. Directed by Abhilash Reddy Kankara and produced by Sunil Balusu under V Celluloids and CAM Entertainment, the film is set for release on October 11th, during Dussehra.
The teaser highlights the emotional bond Sudheer Babu’s character shares with his two on-screen fathers, played by Sayaji Shinde and Sai Chand. While Sayaji Shinde’s character displays hostility, Sai Chand’s character has a positive relationship with Sudheer. The teaser ends with an intriguing scene where Sudheer’s father accepts money under the guise that his son has cancer, creating suspense.
The visuals by Sameer Kalyani and the music by Jay Krish enhance the film’s emotional depth. The cast, including Raju Sundaram in a notable role, adds appeal. The film’s story is crafted by Abhilash Reddy Kankara, MVS Bharadwaj, and Shravan Madala.