Nani’s sports drama Jersey is all set to hit the screens tomorrow. Directed by Goutham Thinnanuri, the movie is based on the life of a middle-aged man who loves cricket. With a huge pre-release buzz, Nani and team seem to be quite confident. Nani is to play the role of a cricketer who fails in his youth but tries to hit his goal in his middle-age.
Nani who has been participating in the promotional activities talked to the media had commented on social media and its negatives. Nani who seems to be hurt by the way he was targeted during the controversial reality show bigg boss. Nani had hosted the show Bigg Boss Telugu 2 and got targeted by the viewers. He was even termed as a ‘biased’ host.
Talking on the same topic, Nani made some comments and clarified that he has now gotten over the negativity. “Social Media is seasonal. People comment on viral topics and ignore. We must realize that nothing is permanent on social media. There were days I felt terrible after being constantly targeted by a set of people. I’ve gotten over that negativity though”, said Nani.