Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu said that he is going to the CM of AP till June 8th 2019 citing he had sworn-in as CM on the same day in 2014.
Speaking to the media in Undavalli, Naidu said, “TDP government stays till the formation of the new government in the state. He reminded that the previous government in America remains in power till 8 weeks, after the completion of the elections. No one can prevent me from conducting the review meetings. However, I cannot take the policy decisions but have rest other rights to perform as CM.”
He further busted against the Election Commission saying that it should interfere on the elections but not on administration.
Responding to these comments, the opposition party YSRCP leaders said that Naidu himself lost all the confidence and agreed that he is going to stay in the government, only till June 8th. They opined that as Naidu cannot become the Chief Minister again, he is willing to continue at least till the date he mentioned.
Right from the elections day, Naidu went on going against the Election Commission that it has compromised with the YSRCP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He complained that about 30% of the EVMs have mal-functioned during the elections and demanded for the re-polling. After concluding the elections, he even reached out to Delhi to fight against the EC.
While oppositions opined that he is fighting, only because he is aware of losing the power this time, the TDP circles, along with Naidu, also said that they are confident of winning 130 seats. But at this point of time, Naidu again saying that his government will be operational till June 8th, is indirectly stating that he is going to quit later, for going to lose in the elections.
The election results are scheduled to be announced on May 23rd, amidst of heavy anticipations across both the Telugu states. It should be seen whether the present hype of YSRCP would continue even after the results.