Paruchuri Sudarshan, the grandson of the renowned Paruchuri Brothers, is making his cinematic debut as a lead actor in the crime thriller titled Mr. Celebrity. He received training in various disciplines including acting, dance, and fight choreography to prepare for his role. The film is directed by Chandina Ravi Kishore and produced by Chinnareddiah and N. Pandurangarao under the RP Cinemas banner.
The promotional campaign for Mr. Celebrity commenced with the release of its teaser, which was launched by Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao. The event attracted notable guests such as Raghu Babu and Sai Madhav Burra.
The teaser begins with a striking dialogue delivered by Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, setting a dramatic tone. It also shows the struggle of a social activist assaulted by popular youtube and the protagonist’s commitment to supporting the victim.
With its gripping narrative and intense character dynamics, the teaser suggests that Mr. Celebrity will be a riveting crime thriller filled with ultimate showdown between the hero and the villain.
Sudarshan’s performance is impressive, showcasing his style and skill in stunts, while his dialogue delivery is good. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar’s adds significant value to the film.
Cinematography is by Shiva Kumar Dewarakonda and music is composed by Vinod Yajamanya. The editing is handled by Shiva Sharvani.