Mem Famous is a Telugu language youthful village drama which is written and directed by debutant director Sumanth Prabhas. The film has Sumanth Prabhas, Mani Aegurla, Mourya Chowdary, Saarya & Siri Raasi playing lead roles while Kiran Macha, Anji Mama, Narendra Ravi, Muralidhar Goud, Shiva Nandan & others are seen in supporting roles. The music is composed by Kalyan Nayak and the film is produced by Anurag Reddy, Sharath Chandra & Chandru Manoharan under Chai Bisket Films & Lahari Films banners.
Mai, Bali, and Durga are 3 childhood best friends living aimlessly in a village called Bandanarsampally located in rural Telangana. Mai is in love with Mounika and Bali is in love with Bubby. But they need to have an earning to win their love and have a better life. So, to achieve their love, they decide to get famous. What all things do they do to get famous? Will they win their love? Needs to be seen in the film.
What about on-screen performances?
Sumanth Prabhas has a terrific screen presence and he does an impressive job with his performance in the film. His attitude and confidence on screen in commendable. The way he renders his dialogues is appreciable and he is surely a talent to look out for in the future, given some good scripts & roles.
Mani Aegurla and Mourya Chowdary provide able support as the other 2 best friends of the hero. Both of them are passable in their roles. Saarya is very natural in the role of the hero’s girlfriend. She shines well in the pre-climax scene with her father & the hero, where she does her emotional act to perfection. Siri Raasi is dependable in her role as Bubby, the lover of Bali.
Kiran Macha leaves a huge mark with his portrayal of the village Sarpanch. His role is very well written and has some nice moments. Shiva Nandhan is just hilarious as Lipstick Spoiler while Anji is funny as the enjoyable Mama in the village. Narendra Ravi, Muralidhar Goud, and the rest of the supporting cast are okay in their roles.
What about off-screen talents?
The story by Sumanth Prabhas has nothing fresh in terms of the content or what it is trying to say. It is a tried and tested formula about 3 aimless youths who go on to find a way to get a living with different ideas to settle down.
The screenplay too is pretty half-baked and needed better writing. Though some scenes are peppered with good comedy and punch lines, you have a “Something Missing” feeling at every juncture. There is a lot of lag in both halves due to some unnecessarily dragged-out scenes. The Bhaarat scene in the first half and the whole youtube track in the second half are prime examples of this.
Some Telangana dialogues deserve a special mention as they are written very well and create a huge impact in the theatres. The cinematography by Shyam Dupati is pretty decent while the edit by Srujana Adusumilli needed to be more crisper, especially in the latter half.
The songs by Kalyan Nayak are just ok and gel with the narrative. His background score is excellent as it goes with the feel of the film.The production values by Chai Bisket Films & Lahari Films are adequate for a small-budget film like this.
What’s Hot?
* Sumanth Prabhas Performance
* Some Youthful Scenes (comedy & dialogues)
What’s Not?
* Too Much Lag In Second Half
* No Novelty In The Script
* Half-Baked Love Tracks
* Sync Sound Doesn’t Work
Verdict: On the whole, Mem Famous is a half-baked film that looks and feels more like a short film (from both technical and creative perspectives) rather than a featured film with some good youthful comedy scenes and dialogues. Given the dialect, it is more targeted to Telangana youth than Andhra. You may give it a try if you are bored. Else, you can comfortably skip it. Rating: 2.25/5
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Mem Famous is a comedy drama movie directed by Sumanth Prabhas. The movie casts Sumanth Prabhas, Mani Aegurla in the main lead roles along with Anji Mama , Narendra Ravi , Muralidhar Goud and many others have seen in supporting roles.
The music was composed by Kalyan Nayak while the cinematography was done by Shyam Dupati and it is edited by Srujana Adusumilli. The film is produced by Anurag Reddy, Sharath Chandra, Chandru Manoharan. Under Chai Bisket Films banner.
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09.10 PM: All the main characters are introduced neatly with a youthful cricket match scene. Sumanth Prabhas’ screen presence is terrific and the titles roll out with a mass song by Rahul Sipligunj.
09.50 PM: Half an hour into the film and the narrative never gets into the main story. Only a few fun scenes in the village are being rolled out and the Telangana slang works well.
First Half Report:
Lag in narration and lack of audio sync makes most of the 1st half a below average watch. Comedy scenes are not worth the hype. The rooted village emotions & characters are the only things that keeps us invested to look forward for the 2nd half. 1st half varaku #memfamous pedda famous ayithe kaadu..
11.00 P.M: The second half starts on a good note but the YouTube angle is stretched too much and the lag kicks in at regular intervals.
Final Report:
Overall, the move is strictly below average fair. The screenplay is irregular and the narration is slow many times. The much-hyped comedy and Telangana slang dialogues only work in parts. Songs are not up to the mark and inconsistent sound mixing makes it look like a short film range rather than a feature film. Finally, memfamous is not so famous