Pan India film Kannappa starring Vishnu Manchu in the titular role, Kannappa is heading for its release soon and the makers have been revealing first-look posters that introduce key characters.
The latest reveal features Sampath as Chandudu, the formidable chief of the Bhillulu clan. Chandudu is depicted as an imposing and fearless leader who embodies unparalleled strength and boldness.
The Bhillulu, known as the “Fierce Bhillus,” is portrayed as a powerful and intimidating presence within the forest. They are described as creatures born from the Black Gorge soil and are known to drink from the treacherous Crocodile Lake. Chandudu, as the leader of the Bhillulu, commands respect and instills fear in the forest.
Kannappa delves into the legendary tale of Bhakta Kannappa and his unwavering devotion to Lord Shiva. This highly anticipated film is set to be released in December in all South Indian languages and Hindi.