Natural Star Nani’s sister, Deepthi, has made her directorial debut, with the web series, Meet Cute. The web series has been released on Sony Liv on the 25th of November. The series consists of a huge cast, which includes the likes of Satyaraj, Rohini Molleti, Adah Sharma, Varsha Bollamma, Akanksha Singh, Ruhani Sharma, Sunaina, Sanchita Poonacha, Ashwin Kumar, Shiva Kandukuri, Deekshit Shetty, Govind Padmasoorya, and Raja. It’s a five-episode anthology series, and here’s how it has turned out to be.
There are five episodes in the series, and each episode consists of a new set of cast members. The first episode is titled “Meet The Boy”, the second “Old Is Gold”, the third “In-Law Love”, the fourth “Star Struck”, and the fifth, “Ex-girlfriend”. These five episodes deal with the love between two individuals who are in different types of relationships. They can be friends, neighbors, in-laws, spouses, etc. There’s a minor conflict in each episode, which is resolved toward the end.
On-Screen Performances:
Every episode in Meet Cute doesn’t go beyond 30 minutes, meaning that the actors can only do so much with what they have been given. Naturally, Satya Raj shines through it all, with his experience and versatility. The others too have done their parts quite well.
Another actor that really stands out is Rohini, who comes in the third episode. She exudes warmth throughout each and every scene.
The remaining cast is good in their roles, providing the necessary flow to the story that the director has written.
Off-Screen Talents:
Director Deepthi has written five different stories, and while they look good on screen, there’s a certain soul and feel that all five of them seem to miss. While there’s not much lag, the episodes can make the audience feel a certain disconnect with them. Certain setups come off as very artificial and do not make them believable. Given that this is an anthology series, watching new actors in each episode hampers greatly the flow of the viewer, causing, even more, disconnect with the entire series. The execution of the stories that the director has written also goes flat in many cases. Moreover, the web series caters to only a certain set of audiences, and cannot be enjoyed by all.
The background music is okay, and so are the songs. They do not stand out and just go with the flow.
The cinematography of the web series is one of its major highlights. Every frame looks good. The production design is also quite good, and the editing is on point.
Plus Points:
Production design
Minus Points:
Lack of a proper soul
No emotional connect
Improper execution
Verdict: Unless you have a lot of time to spare, Meet Cute is one web series that you can skip completely. The storylines are appealing on the surface, but lack any real depth to them. In the end, all the stories do not feel as cute as they should. Rating: 2.25/5