Game Changer, featuring Ram Charan in the Central role is preparing for its theatrical debut on January 10, and the expectations are soaring high on the same.
In this context, there are latest set of reports pertaining to the theatrical business of the film, and they have a strong story to tell.
As per reports, the theatrical evaluation of this Ram Charan film is reportedly in the range of ₹122 crore. This is the highest pre-release business done by any Ram Charan film till date.
Considering the Sankranti festival season is an advantage and Ram Charan’s strong box office pull, Game Changer was sold for huge prices.
The responsibility is firmly on Charan to deliver big time with this film now, as a lot of money is at stake, and there is no place for error. Though the theatrical evaluation might sound big for now, the film can certainly recover the massive expenses if it opens with a good word of mouth.