Kismat is a Telugu-language crime comedy film directed by Srinath Badineni. The film stars Abhinav Gomatam, Srinivas Avasarala, Naresh Agastya, Riya Suman, Vishwadev Rachakonda, and Ajay Gosh in important roles. The music is composed by Mark K Robin and the film is produced by Raju & Bhanuprasad Reddy under Comrade Film Factory & Atheera Productions banners.
Karthik (Naresh Agastya), Abhi (Abhinav Gomatam) & Kiran (Vishwadev Rachakonda) are three seemingly ordinary, jobless engineers from a small village. One day they decide to go to Hyderabad to get jobs but things go haywire as they try to hide a huge amount of unwelcomed money that they find in their room. What happens later needs to be seen in the film.
What about on-screen performances?
Naresh Agastya does a neat job with his part as Karthik. His body language and his acting looks a bit similar to some of his previous works but this film needed it and he does it well.
Abhinav Gomatam as Abhi entertains with his witty one-liners at regular intervals. His comic timing is superb.
Riya Suman is just about okay as Naresh Agastya’s love interest. Their love track is very silly and their chemistry also looks pale on screen.
Srinivas Avasarala does a fair job as the cop who is in charge of the case.
Ajay Gosh & Vishwadev Rachakonda are fine in their respective roles while the rest of the supporting cast are okay in their limited parts.
What about off-screen talents?
The story by Srinath Badineni is neither entertaining nor engaging. It has a beaten-to-death plotline where three friends luckily get some money from somewhere and a group of goons and cops follow them to retrieve the money.
The screenplay too is poorly written. Although the plot is very routine, crime comedies can still be entertaining with their treatment. But sadly the treatment here is very bland and ordinary. None of the proceedings create a sense of interest in the plot.
Director Srinath Badineni does a pretty mediocre job with his craft. His narrative is uninteresting and the way he presents the entire film also lacks conviction. The dialogues too are not up to the mark.
The songs and background score by Mark K Robin are forgettable. They never help the narrative reach the next level.
The camera work by Vedaraman Sankaran is pretty decent while the edit by Viplav Nyshadam is good.
The production values by Comrade Film Factory & Atheera Productions are fine.
What’s Hot?
* Abhinav Gomatam’s Comedy
* Naresh Agastya & Srinivas Avasarala’s Performances
* Interval & Pre Climax Scenes
What’s Not?
* Uninteresting Plot
* Half Baked Screenplay
* Forgettable Songs & Poor Background Score
* Flat Comedy In The First Half
* Silly Love Track
Verdict: On the whole, Kismat is a poorly made crime comedy that doesn’t get both crime & comedy genres right with its narrative. The twists never fall in place nor does the narrative keep us engaged in the proceedings. Can be avoided!! Rating: 1.5/5