The makers of Prabhas and Nag Ashwin’s Kalki have dropped the theatrical trailer of the film and it has debuted after the theatrical screening that happened in the Telugu states at 6 PM. The trailer had its digital release on YouTube now.
The trailer starts with the introduction of Prabhas’s character and he is seen carrying a larger-than-life essence. His costumes and visual presentation are very unique. We then get to see the other main characters in the film, Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone and others.
The film is loaded with a stellar cast and we get a glimpse of all their characters. Their characters draw similarities with the main characters from Hindu mythologies and this adds to the excitement.
The CGI work used for the film is robust. The film looks futuristic from the outset while the characters look rooted. Nag Ashwin has built a new world altogether and he has given us a 3-minute view of the same through this trailer.
By the looks of it, the trailer of Kalki looks robust and unique. But the challenge will be to cater to the masses with this content which looks extremely futuristic. Will this box be ticked? We will know the answer after 27th June after the film hits the theaters.