Nadendla Manohar, the official spokesman of Jana Sena Party has turned vocal these days. He is addressing the media on JSP’s behalf and taking on the YCP government. He has now made a strong allegation against the YCP government in AP.
Manohar explained to the media that the YCP government claimed to credit the pension money of 2750 Rs per head to 54,69,161 beneficiaries in November 2023. He alleged that the number of beneficiaries suddenly dropped by 19,871 in December 2023.
“How did 19,871 pensions go missing in a single month between November and December? We all are having to suspect the YCP government behind this. Where did the missing Rs 291 crores go after the drop in the number of pensioners? Did the government put this in their pockets?” Manohar questioned.
Manohar reinstated that the YSRCP government has been trying to do some “magic” with the pension scheme and he has now alleged that Rs 291 crores have been siphoned off by the AP government in a single month. He alleged that the government is cutting off eligible pensioners just so that they can pocket the money.