Former CBI Joint Director V.V. Lakshminarayana, who previously ran for the Visakhapatnam Lok Sabha seat as a candidate of the Jana Sena Party (JSP), is now gearing up for the 2024 elections as an independent candidate.
Currently touring the NTR district, JD spoke to the media, confirming his participation in the upcoming election. He emphasized that he will not align with any political party and intends to contest as an independent candidate. Despite his decision to run independently, he hasn’t finalized the specific constituency he will be running from.
Reports indicate that JD Lakshminarayana’s political focus will likely remain on Visakhapatnam. Taking a stand against the privatization of the Visakha Steel Plant, he has also pledged his support for the workers. Given these circumstances, JD stands a chance of contesting either for a seat in the Assembly or for the Lok Sabha from Visakhapatnam.
During the 2019 elections, JD garnered an impressive 2.88 lakh votes, which accounted for nearly 23% of the total vote share. In that election, he secured the third position in the race.