Tollywood star Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently took a break from her acting career after being diagnosed with the autoimmune condition myositis. However, the talented actress has made a full recovery and is now back to work, currently filming for the upcoming project Rakht Brahmand.
Rakht Brahmand is a multi-starrer featuring Samantha alongside Aditya Roy Kapoor and Wamiqa Gabbi in lead roles. The film is directed by Rahi Anil Barve and produced by Raj and DK in association with Netflix. The shooting commenced in August, and Samantha is set to perform some intense action sequences for the project.
Despite being approached by several Telugu filmmakers, Samantha has not signed or even listened to any scripts from the Tollywood industry. Close sources reveal that the actress is more inclined towards pan-Indian and Hindi film offers. After the immense success of The Family Man: Season 2, Samantha has been focusing on expanding her reach beyond the South Indian film industry.
Samantha recently completed shooting for Citadel, an Amazon Prime Video which is set to premiere in November.