Long back, in the movie Arunachalam, we saw the 30 Crores in 30 days challenge. At the end Rajinikanth will spend most of the money in the politics. Similar challenge was taken by Chandra Babu Naidu during the month of February in 2019, in the name of Dharma Poratam.
The cost for one day of Dharma Poratam in Delhi costed 10 Crores to the tax payers. This includes trains, food, around 1100 rooms for VVIPs, etc. After long time, a person from East Godavari filed a complaint on TDP demanding an explanation on why and how they spent such an amount which didn’t even yield any benefit for the state.
Responding to this, High Court pulled back the reports and questioned TDP on the same. High Court further questioned on who allocated this huge budget for one day and asked about all the details on the case. On Nov 21st, High Court may give some judgement on the case.